Images taken by members of GAS
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- Rachel Dutton: Partial lunar eclipse taken Wednesday 18th September 2024 in Central Guildford with a Seestar S50.
- Martin Baker. NGC 7023 The Iris Nebula. Captured May 2024, Sandhurst Berks. Altair 80EDT, QHY268MBaader RGB filters. 2hrs per RGB channel in 5min Subs. Processed in PixInsight.
- Martin Baker. The Flying Dragon Nebula, Sh2-114. Captured between June & August 2024. Sandhurst Berks. Equip:- Altair 80EDT, QHY268M Baader & Antlia NB filters. Baader RGB filters for stars. 4hrs x Ha, 4Hrs x Sii. (no Oiii) 45mins RGB for stars.
- Martin Baker: NGC1977 The Running Man nebula in Orion. Captured 18Jan24 from Sandhurst using a ZWO Seestar S50. 11mins of 10s subs, stacked & processed in Pixinsight
- Martin Baker: The Rosette Nebula NGC2237 in Monoceros, with star cluster NGC 2244 at it’s centre. Taken in narrowband (Ha, Oiii, Sii) Equip: –
- Martin Baker: The beginning of the Partial Lunar Eclipse on 28th October 2023. Taken in Sandhurst, Through cloud, just before the rain. Canon 7D Mkii 70-200mm L IS mkii with 2x converter. Single frame f5.6 1/2000 at ISO 800. cropped to size.
- Tim Ellison : Venus 5pm BST 7th July 2023. Daytime Astronomy from Frimley. Sw 200mm f5 Newtonian. with Canon 77D
- Glenn Bates: Full Moon Box Hill, July 2023
- Glenn Bates: Full Moon Box Hill, July 2023
- Glenn Bates: Full Moon Box Hill, July 2023
- Glenn Bates: Moon rise over Box Hill. June 2023 Canon 5DIII DSLR, 100-400mm lens, at a focal length of 321mm.
- Glenn Bates: Moon rise over Box Hill 2. June 2023Canon 5DIII DSLR, 100-400mm lens with a 2x extender so 800mm.
- Martin Baker, Sandhurst. A two part mosaic in Ha. Using a Lunt 60 & QHY5iii290M. Best 30% of 1000 frames captured with Sharpcap, processed in Autostakkert, PI & PS.
- Martin Baker, Sandhurst. Messier M51, colliding with NGC5195. Around 30 Mly away. Field of view ~2 x 1 degs Equip- AltairAstro 80mm EDT + flattener, QHY268C OSC, 118x 3min exposures (5Hr54min total). Processed in PixInsight.
- Ed Wilson: Geneva Switzerland. Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) 29th Jan 2023 22:45GMT. Equip- SharpStar 61EDPH II (275mm f4.5) ZWO ASI2600MC 50 x 30 seconds at -10°C Processed in Astro Pixel Processor. Here the image stack aligns on the comet but leaves star streaks.
- Ed Wilson: Geneva Switzerland. Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) 29th Jan 2023 22:45GMT. Equip- SharpStar 61EDPH II (275mm f4.5) ZWO ASI2600MC 50 x 30 seconds at -10°C Processed in Astro Pixel Processor and PixInsight with StarNet 2. A combination of two image stacks. One for stationary stars and one aligning on the comet to produce a single image, using the same initial image set.
- Glenn Bates: Tyco Crater the Moon.. 9th Jan 2023 Intes MK67 150/ 800mm Fl telescope. 1.5x Barlow. QHY5iii462C camera
- Glenn Bates: The Sun on 30th Jan 2022 with Active Region AR2936. Lunt 60mm B1200 Camera- QHY5iii462C
- Nick Tanton: NGC2403 a spiral galaxy in Camelopardalis., imaged from Dorking Equip- AltairAstro Wave 115EDT, Atik 460EX camera Baader R, G & B filters. 25x 90s R, 20x 90s G, 20x 90s B. Taken 21st Jan 2023
- Martin Baker: Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) imaged from Sandhurst. Equip- Megrez 72, with a QHY268C OSC camera. 30x 1min frames. Processed in PixInsight. In this iamge the so called Anti-Tail is visible pointing up. An optical illusion as the comet passes through the Earth orbital plane.
- Keith Gooders: Orientation: North down, East right Date: 15/12/2022 Time: 18:30 UT Observing site: Guildford, Surrey Telescope: Celestron C8, Camera: ZWO ASI178MC Exposure: 20MS – best 750 frames from 6000
- John Axtell: Jupiter, ASI120MC-S on 15″ Obsession Dobsonian telescope
- John Axtell: Copernicus Crater on the Moon. 15″ Obsession and iPhone , using eyepiece projection with a 13mm Televue Ethos and Televue phone clamp
- John Axtell: Mare Imbrium with Sinus Iridium just below centre right. 15″ Obsession and iPhone , using eyepiece projection with a 13mm Televue Ethos and Televue phone clamp
- Julia Gaudelli: Crater Plato sketch, from the October 2022 GAS meeting with Mary McIntyre
- Ed Wilson: Jupiter with three of its Galilean moons – Europa, Ganymede & Io (occulted). Sequence of individual images captured over a 40min period. Equipment: SW SkyMax 150 Pro Maksutov-Cassegrain & 2x Barlow lens. Camera- ASI533MC pro (400x 400 ROI). Software: Firecapture 2.7.10 running on RPi 4 4GB. Autostakkert!3 & Registax 6 Founes, Switzerland, 2nd Nov 2022
- Keith Gooders: Jupiter at Opposition, Europa. Guildford, 17 Sept 2022 (10 days before opposition) Celestron C8 SCT, iOptron Alt-Az Pro tracking mount ZWO ASI178MC colour “planetary” camera. ZWO Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector (ADC), Tele Vue x2.5 Powermate. Image stacked from best 1350 of 6000 frames. Each frame exposure 20ms Software used: SharpCap (v4.0), PIPP (Planetary Imaging PreProcessor) (v2.5.9) AutoStakkert! (v3.1.4) RegiStax (v6.0) Topaz DeNoise AI (v3.7)
- Sebastian Maciocia: Unistellar eVscope Equinox
- Sebastian Maciocia: Unistellar eVscope Equinox
- Sebastian Maciocia: Unistellar eVscope Equinox
- Sebastian Maciocia: Unistellar eVscope Equinox
- Rachel Dutton: Moon drawing using pastels. Nov 2022
- Martin Baker: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus & Neptune. Saturn was hiding behind the house. Taken from Sandhurst on the 12th & 13th Nov 2022 Meade LX200 10″ f10 OTA. 2x Televue Powermate, ADC, QHY5iii 462C. Video clips captured by SharpCap. Processed in AutoStakkert, Registax and PS
- Rachel Dutton Moon sketching with Mary McIntyre at the October GAS meeting
- Rachel Dutton: Moon sketching with Mary McIntyre at the October GAS meeting
- Rachel Dutton: Moon sketching with Mary McIntyre at the October GAS meeting
- Jonathan Y. Clark: Moon showing Lunar ‘X & V’. This was taken completely by chance, at just the right time, when testing out a new telephoto lens on the Moon (handheld). Taken from Bracknell 22nd April 2018 19.14 Nikon D850 DSLR f/6.3, 1/320, ISO 250, Spot metering, 600mm Tamron Zoom lens, Auto white balance
- Jonathan Y. Clark: M27 The Dumb-bell Nebula in Vulpecula Taken from Bracknell 23rd June 2020. Celestron Edge HD 9.25” (2350mm focal length at f/10) on Avalon M-Uno mount with Starlight Xpress Trius 694 mono camera and Astronomik filters (RGB + 12nm H alpha) 40 minutes (10 minutes each of R, G, B and H alpha) Photoshop to combine and adjust Levels/Curves, then Reduce Stars using Astronomy Tools Action Set.
- Tim Ellison: Alnitak, with the Flame and Horsehead Nebulae. Photographed from Frimley on 27th January 2022. Canon 600D Astro-Modified Camera, Sigma 150-600mm C Series Lens, Autoguided Mount. 34 frames at 240 seconds each, 500mm, f6.8 and iso800.
- Tim Ellison: Globular Cluster M3. Photographed from Frimley on 23rd March 2022. Canon 600D Astro-Modified Camera, Sky-Watcher 200mm f5 Newtonian Telescope, Baader Coma Corrector, Autoguided Mount. 134 frames at 60 seconds each, 1000mm, f5.7 and iso800.
- Tim Ellison: ISS Solar transit 6th Aug 2022. Taken in White light with Canon 77D Camera, Sigma 150-600mm C Series Lens, filter made using Baader Solar Film, 1/4000th sec at 600mm, f8 & iso800. Photographed at Ranmore Common, Dorking
- Glenn Bates: ISS Solar Transit in Ha. With active Sunspot regions as annotated. Lunt 60THa plus ASI120MM. Ranmore Common, Dorking.
- Jonathan Shinn: Rho Ophiuchi in Ophiuchus. EOS R and Redcat 51mm. Taken from LaPalma
- Martin Baker: Markarian’s Chain, part of the Virgo Super cluster. 1st & 2nd of April 2022. from Sandhurst Berks. WO FLT98 & QHY268C OSC. 61x 300sec Processed in PixInsight
- Martin Baker: The Mineral Moon – a 93% waxing Moon. 13th May 2022. From Sandhurst, Berks. WO FLT98 with QHY268C OSC, using SharpCap to capture a video sequence of 2000 frames, best 25% used, as very good seeing. Processed in AutoStakkert, Registax & PI
- Andrew Whiter: The Cygnus Wall, part of the North American Nebula (NGC 7000) in the constellation Cygnus. Guildford 23rd August 2021. Williams Optics Zenithstar 81 on Celestron AVX with an ZWO ASI533MC-PRO camera 50x120s exposures
- Max Dobres: The Iris Nebula (NGC7023) in Cepheus. Bookham 27th September 2021. Celestron RASA 8 on Skywatcher HEQ5 P, ASI533MC camera with Optolong L-Pro filter 250x30s exposures.
- Max Dobres: The Needle Galaxy (NGC 4565) in Coma Berenices. Bookham 31st March 2022. William Optics 132 FLT on iOptron CEM120 RCam IMX571 camera with Optolong L-Pro filter 55x300s exposures
- Nick Tanton: Messier 106 Galaxy (NGC4258) in Canes Venatici. Holmwood 23rd, 24th and 25th March 2022. Altair Astro Wave 115 EDT on iOptron CEM60 Atik 460EX camera with Baader R, G & B filters 20x120s & 20x180s each R, G & B
- Andrew Whiter The Flaming Star Nebula (IC405) in Auriga. Guildford 4th January 2022. Williams Optics Zenithstar 81 on Celestron AVX ZWO, ASI533MC-PRO camera with Astronomik UHC-E filter 124x240s exposures
- Nick Tanton: The Hidden Galaxy (IC342) in Camelopardalis. Holmwood, 10th and 22nd February 2022. Altair Astro Wave 115 EDT on iOptron CEM60; Atik 460EX camera Baader R, G & B filters. 10x120s & 20x180s each R, G & B
- Glenn Bates: The Moon – stacked image of 2-day crescent. Images- 0.8s exposure, taken at 2 minute intervals, Canon 5DIII, 75mm focal length, f/5, ISO400 and 0.8sec exposure